Piia Pauliina
  • The second week of my third cycle

    September 15th, 2009

    It is Tuesday, and I am feeling weaker by day.  The decreased sensation in my fingertips has got worse, and I have started to drop things.  Also, my eyelashes, and my eyebrows are thinning quite rapidly.  I believe, I am about to lose them as well.  But, on the positive note, I have not got an infection, and I am still at home, in my new lush ‘princess bed’!

    Steph got us a blender yesterday, and she shopped for some food for me on Sunday, so I was able to make myself a delicious and refreshing soya ice cream, wild berry, soya milkshake just now!  For some reason, I crave for ice cold things when I feel poorly.  I have been taking it mega easy today.  In fact, I am still in my pyjamas, even though it is nearly two in the afternoon.  Steph gave me a film to watch, the Princess Bride.  If you are ever ill in bed, I truly recommend this film!

    If all goes well, we should be getting internet at home tomorrow.  Then you should be getting much more regular blogs!

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